The Human Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions

Neuroscientists have used a classic branch of maths in a totally new way to peer into the structure of our brains. What they’ve discovered is that the brain is full of multi-dimensional geometrical structures operating in as many as 11 dimensions.

We’re used to thinking of the world from a 3-D perspective, so this may sound a bit tricky, but the results of this new study could be the next major step in understanding the fabric of the human brain – the most complex structure we know of.

This latest brain model was produced by a team of researchers from the Blue Brain Project, a Swiss research initiative devoted to building a supercomputer-powered reconstruction of the human brain. . …  <read more>


The Bias-Variance Dilemma in Machine Learning Crash

So what does this have to do with machine learning? Well, it turns out that machine learning algorithms are not that much different from our friend Doge: they often run the risk of over-extrapolating or over-interpolating from the data that they are trained on.

There is a very delicate balancing act when machine learning algorithms try to predict things. On the one hand, we want our algorithm to model the training data very closely, otherwise we’ll miss relevant features and interesting trends. However, on the other hand we don’t want our model to fit too closely, and risk over-interpreting every outlier and irregularity.


The Fukushima power plant disaster is a devastating example of overfitting. When designing the power plant, engineers had to determine how often earthquakes would occur. They used a well-known law called the Gutenberg-Richter Law, which gives a way of predicting the probability of a very strong earthquake from the frequency that very weak earthquakes occur. This is useful because weak earthquakes–ones that are so weak that you can’t even feel them–happen almost all the time and are recorded by geologists, so the engineers had quite a large dataset to work with. Perhaps the most important result of this law is that the relationship between the magnitude of an earthquake and the logarithm of the probability that it happens is linear.

The engineers of the nuclear power plant used earthquake data from the past 400 years to train a regression model. Their prediction looked something like this:

The diamonds represent actual data while the thin line shows the engineers’ regression. Notice how their model hugs the data points very closely. In fact, their model makes a kink at around a magnitude of 7.3 – decidedly not linear.

In machine learning jargon, we call this overfitting. As the name implies, overfitting is when we train a predictive model that “hugs” the training data too closely. In this case, the engineers knew the relationship should have been a straight line but they used a more complex model than they needed to …

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High-speed light-based systems could replace supercomputers for certain ‘deep learning’ calculations

Low power requirements for photons (instead of electrons) may make deep learning more practical in future self-driving cars and mobile consumer devices

(a) Optical micrograph of an experimentally fabricated on-chip optical interference unit; the physical region where the optical neural network program exists is highlighted in gray. A programmable nanophotonic processor uses a field-programmable gate array (similar to an FPGA integrated circuit ) — an array of interconnected waveguides, allowing the light beams to be modified as needed for a specific deep-learning matrix computation. (b) Schematic illustration of the optical neural network program, which performs matrix multiplication and amplification fully optically. (credit: Yichen Shen et al./Nature Photonics)

A team of researchers at MIT and elsewhere has developed a new approach to deep learning systems — using light instead of electricity, which they say could vastly improve the speed and efficiency of certain deep-learning computations.

Deep-learning systems are based on artificial neural networks that mimic the way the brain learns from an accumulation of examples. They can enable technologies such as face- and voice-recognition software, or scour vast amounts of medical data to find patterns that could be useful diagnostically, for example.

But the computations these systems carry out are highly complex and demanding, even for supercomputers. Traditional computer architectures are not very efficient for calculations needed for neural-network tasks that involve repeated multiplications of matrices (arrays of numbers). These can be computationally intensive for conventional CPUs or even GPUs.

Programmable nanophotonic processor

Instead, the new approach uses an optical device that the researchers call a “programmable nanophotonic processor.” Multiple light beams are directed in such a way that their waves interact with each other, producing interference patterns that “compute” the intended operation.

The optical chips using this architecture could, in principle, carry out dense matrix multiplications (the most power-hungry and time-consuming part in AI algorithms) for learning tasks much faster, compared to conventional electronic chips. The researchers expect a computational speed enhancement of at least two orders of magnitude over the state-of-the-art and three orders of magnitude in power efficiency.

“This chip, once you tune it, can carry out matrix multiplication with, in principle, zero energy, almost instantly,” says Marin Soljacic, one of the MIT researchers on the team.

To demonstrate the concept, the team set the programmable nanophotonic processor to implement a neural network that recognizes four basic vowel sounds. Even with the prototype system, they were able to achieve a 77 percent accuracy level, compared to about 90 percent for conventional systems. There are “no substantial obstacles” to scaling up the system for greater accuracy, according to Soljacic.

The team says is will still take a lot more time and effort to make this system useful. However, once the system is scaled up and fully functioning, the low-power system should find many uses, especially for situations where power is limited, such as in self-driving cars, drones, and mobile consumer devices. Other uses include signal processing for data transmission and computer centers.

The research was published Monday (June 12, 2017) in a paper in the journal Nature Photonics (open-access version available on arXiv).

The team also included researchers at Elenion Technologies of New York and the Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec. The work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office through the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, the National Science Foundation, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Abstract of Deep learning with coherent nanophotonic circuits

Artificial neural networks are computational network models inspired by signal processing in the brain. These models have dramatically improved performance for many machine-learning tasks, including speech and image recognition. However, today’s computing hardware is inefficient at implementing neural networks, in large part because much of it was designed for von Neumann computing schemes. Significant effort has been made towards developing electronic architectures tuned to implement artificial neural networks that exhibit improved computational speed and accuracy. Here, we propose a new architecture for a fully optical neural network that, in principle, could offer an enhancement in computational speed and power efficiency over state-of-the-art electronics for conventional inference tasks. We experimentally demonstrate the essential part of the concept using a programmable nanophotonic processor featuring a cascaded array of 56 programmable Mach–Zehnder interferometers in a silicon photonic integrated circuit and show its utility for vowel recognition.

References from:

Yichen Shen et al. Deep learning with coherent nanophotonic circuits. Nature Photonics (2017) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2017.93

A deep learning algorithm outperforms some board-certified dermatologists in diagnosis of skin cancer

Deep learning has been touted for its potential to enhance the diagnosis of diseases, and now a team of researchers at Stanford has developed a deep-learning algorithm that may make this vision a reality for skin cancer.*

A dermatologist uses a dermatoscope, a type of handheld microscope, to look at skin. Stanford AI scientists have created a deep convolutional neural network algorithm for skin cancer that matched the performance of board-certified dermatologists. (credit: Matt Young)

The researchers, led by Dr. Sebastian Thrun, an adjunct professor at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, reported in the January 25 issue of Nature that their deep convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm performed as well or better than 21 board-certified dermatologists at diagnosing skin cancer. (See “Skin cancer classification performance of the CNN (blue) and dermatologists (red)” figure below.)

Diagnosing skin cancer begins with a visual examination. A dermatologist usually looks at the suspicious lesion with the naked eye and with the aid of a dermatoscope, which is a handheld microscope that provides low-level magnification of the skin. If these methods are inconclusive or lead the dermatologist to believe the lesion is cancerous, a biopsy is the next step. This deep learning algorithm may help dermatologists decide which skin lesions to biopsy.

“My main eureka moment was when I realized just how ubiquitous smartphones will be,” said Stanford Department of Electrical Engineering’s Andre Esteva, co-lead author of the study. “Everyone will have a supercomputer in their pockets with a number of sensors in it, including a camera. What if we could use it to visually screen for skin cancer? Or other ailments?”

It is projected that there will be 6.3 billion smartphone subscriptionst by the year 2021, according to Ericsson Mobility Report (2016), which could potentially provide low-cost universal access to vital diagnostic care.

Creating the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm

Deep CNN classification technique. Data flow is from left to right: an image of a skin lesion (for example, melanoma) is sequentially warped into a probability distribution over clinical classes of skin disease using Google Inception v3 CNN architecture pretrained on the ImageNet dataset (1.28 million images over 1,000 generic object classes) and fine-tuned on the team’s own dataset of 129,450 skin lesions comprising 2,032 different diseases. (credit: Andre Esteva et al./Nature)

Rather than building an algorithm from scratch, the researchers began with an algorithm developed by Google that was already trained to identify 1.28 million images from 1,000 object categories. It was designed primarily to be able to differentiate cats from dogs, but the researchers needed it to differentiate benign and malignant lesions. So they collaborated with dermatologists at Stanford Medicine, as well as Helen M. Blau, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford and co-author of the paper.

The algorithm was trained with nearly 130,000 images representing more than 2,000 different diseases with an associated disease label, allowing the system to overcome variations in angle, lighting, and zoom. The algorithm was then tested against 1,942 images of skin that were digitally annotated with biopsy-proven diagnoses of skin cancer. Overall, the algorithm identified the vast majority of cancer cases with accuracy rates that were similar to expert clinical dermatologists.

However, during testing, the researchers used only high-quality, biopsy-confirmed images provided by the University of Edinburgh and the International Skin Imaging Collaboration Project that represented the most common and deadliest skin cancers — malignant carcinomas and malignant melanomas.

Skin cancer classification performance of the CNN (blue) and dermatologists (red).** (credit: Andre Esteva et al./Nature)

The 21 dermatologists were asked whether, based on each image, they would proceed with biopsy or treatment, or reassure the patient. The researchers evaluated success by how well the dermatologists were able to correctly diagnose both cancerous and non-cancerous lesions in more than 370 images.***

However, Susan Swetter, professor of dermatology and director of the Pigmented Lesion and Melanoma Program at the Stanford Cancer Institute and co-author of the paper, notes that “rigorous prospective validation of the algorithm is necessary before it can be implemented in clinical practice, by practitioners and patients alike.”

* Every year there are about 5.4 million new cases of skin cancer in the United States, and while the five-year survival rate for melanoma detected in its earliest states is around 97 percent, that drops to approximately 14 percent if it’s detected in its latest stages.

** “Skin cancer classification performance of the CNN and dermatologists. The deep learning CNN outperforms the average of the dermatologists at skin cancer classification using photographic and
dermoscopic images. Our CNN is tested against at least 21 dermatologists at keratinocyte carcinoma and melanoma recognition. For each test, previously unseen, biopsy-proven images of lesions are displayed, and dermatologists are asked if they would: biopsy/treat the lesion or reassure the patient. Sensitivity, the true positive rate, and specificity, the true negative rate, measure performance. A dermatologist outputs a single prediction per image and is thus represented by a single red point. The green points are the average of the dermatologists for each task, with error bars denoting one standard deviation.” — Andre Esteva et al./Nature

*** The algorithm’s performance was measured through the creation of a sensitivity-specificity curve, where sensitivity represented its ability to correctly identify malignant lesions and specificity represented its ability to correctly identify benign lesions. It was assessed through three key diagnostic tasks: keratinocyte carcinoma classification, melanoma classification, and melanoma classification when viewed using dermoscopy. In all three tasks, the algorithm matched the performance of the dermatologists with the area under the sensitivity-specificity curve amounting to at least 91 percent of the total area of the graph. An added advantage of the algorithm is that, unlike a person, the algorithm can be made more or less sensitive, allowing the researchers to tune its response depending on what they want it to assess. This ability to alter the sensitivity hints at the depth and complexity of this algorithm. The underlying architecture of seemingly irrelevant photos —  including cats and dogs — helps it better evaluate the skin lesion images.

Abstract of Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks

Skin cancer, the most common human malignancy, is primarily diagnosed visually, beginning with an initial clinical screening and followed potentially by dermoscopic analysis, a biopsy and histopathological examination. Automated classification of skin lesions using images is a challenging task owing to the fine-grained variability in the appearance of skin lesions. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) show potential for general and highly variable tasks across many fine-grained object categories. Here we demonstrate classification of skin lesions using a single CNN, trained end-to-end from images directly, using only pixels and disease labels as inputs. We train a CNN using a dataset of 129,450 clinical images—two orders of magnitude larger than previous datasets—consisting of 2,032 different diseases. We test its performance against 21 board-certified dermatologists on biopsy-proven clinical images with two critical binary classification use cases: keratinocyte carcinomas versus benign seborrheic keratoses; and malignant melanomas versus benign nevi. The first case represents the identification of the most common cancers, the second represents the identification of the deadliest skin cancer. The CNN achieves performance on par with all tested experts across both tasks, demonstrating an artificial intelligence capable of classifying skin cancer with a level of competence comparable to dermatologists. Outfitted with deep neural networks, mobile devices can potentially extend the reach of dermatologists outside of the clinic. It is projected that 6.3 billion smartphone subscriptions will exist by the year 2021 and can therefore potentially provide low-cost universal access to vital diagnostic care.

