
A few modest software projects I’ve implemented or shared in their realization. At present, I do not already use most of the technology. I have remained faithful only to C, C #, Semi-Java.

Python / PHP 
EvoBots – a new project for the use of commercial chatbots. The conversational schemes of the robot are created by the builder. AI is used for the training of designed schemes, specifically the Python language and the Tensorflow library or Numpy and Keras.
The project is available at

Android – Various apps for Android OS:
I-ting is the oldest classic Chinese text. Metaphorically describes cosmological and philosophical ideas. It focuses on the principle of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and the acceptance of the immutability of change. You can download ITingSk.apk here. Demo page is here: I-ting , I-ting-apk

ChatBot SK – A chatbot is a computer program or an artificial intelligence which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods. Such programs are often designed to convincingly simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner, thereby passing the Turing test. (wiki) You can download here android app 

Broker – A separate plug-in module for a group-office product. The “broker” module is a broker solution for clients. The module allows uploading information about the client’s personal data, access to documents: msword, xls, pdf, jpg … Includes a simple process management module also works with other group-office modules such as Tasks, Calendar, Billing, Notes, Directory. (Multiplatform).

C / C++
Isodoc is a document management system and its workflow, document management and storage of various types: pdf, doc, xml, html, jpg … The program is designed for documentary companies, it checks the document process event flow: approve, forward, cancel, print , Backup (Windows operating system)
Auctioneer – is a program for keeping auction records, storing documents, photos, tours, and generating a web auction. (Windows, web, php)
Printman – is a program for creating and maintaining print assemblies, designing print templates and SQL expressions in a database. (Windows operating system)
Datapump – Extract data from Oracle to DWH (linux)

C #
IOffice – maintenance of iOffice enterprise applications, completing features of selected modules, import export data, sql, database, communication with suppliers.
IStar – Programming ~ 10 People in software development for insurance companies.
NunDesktopClients– Desktop Business Process Management and Document Management System, Nuntio®

SQL – scripting, design, database creation. Working with MySQL, MSSQL, DB2, ORACLE, H2, ….

Hospital – is an information system for hospital care, includes patient writing, surgery, hospitalization, and SVaLZ LSPP, it also includes printing, exit requirements for insurance companies, invoicing, central patient register, order and patient reservation system, central case documentation and hospitalization, Medical records and performances. (Multiplatform)
Goclearing – for an accounting company. Includes simple billing module, client data management, statistics, printing (Multiplatform)
Vaadin – portlets prototyping for document management and web applications with the Liferay CMS portlet.
JSP – portlets  for Liferay CMS

Dwh-assistant – Modular application prototype for DWH. DWH, Data Mining, Print, Import, ETL, OLAP, Monitoring Processes, Payments, Processes, Attendance, Network Monitoring and PC AuditPro (data imported into DWH), each instance is configured specifically for the client . (Multiplatform).

Perl-scripts for processing text recordings. Output xls, xml for further processing.

SharePoint 2010 – Developing Services for SharePoint Applications.