Scientists Built a Functional Computer With Human Brain Tissue

In 2013, Riken’s K Computer – then one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world – made an attempt to mimic the brain. With 82,944 processors and a petabyte of main memory, it took 40 minutes to simulate one second of the activity of 1.73 billion neurons connected by 10.4 trillion synapses – around just one to two percent of the brain.

In recent years, scientists and engineers have been trying to approach the capabilities of the brain by designing hardware and algorithms that mimic its structure and the way it works. Known as neuromorphic computing, it is improving but it’s energy-intensive, and training artificial neural networks is time-consuming.

Guo and his colleagues sought a different approach using real human brain tissue grown in a lab. Human pluripotent stem cells were coaxed into developing into different types of brain cells that organized into three-dimensional mini-brains called organoids, complete with connections and structures …….

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